
We post-processes the data collected in the field to develop 3D models of the area that can be used to understand the terrain and elevation of the land. This information can be showcased via contour maps or color gradient maps. This is done by licensed geodetic engineers together with computer scientists with powerful custom made computers.
Imagery becomes more useful when combined with other data sources. We can identify land structures, overlay land classification and geo-hazard information from the DENR or other entities. Other metadata overlays are available upon request, (e.g. population data, tree count, etc.)
Aside from our topnotch hardware equipment, we have also developed the VEDA decision support application to enable hassle-free access to your data online using a phone, tablet, laptop or PC. It's perfect for executives who know that every minute counts in planning and decision-making.
Printouts and Reports
Everything is compiled, printed and placed in a secured USB and provided to you. Maps are printed on high-quality A0 photo paper. Our reports highlight relevant data and present geo-spatial information rapidly in an easy to digest format, allowing you to make informed decisions. Below is a sample booklet report.