
Relentless competition requires customer remote services in almost any business. This approach allows companies to make their interaction with clients maximally efficient. On the other hand, the security level of transactions you perform tends to reduce. Thus, it’s impossible to make sure that a customer is the person they claim to be.

VoiceKey software applies the latest technologies for secured customer verification and personal data protection. It’s based on voice biometrics technologies as voice becomes the most reliable way of user verification in terms of remote services. This is the only attribute that can’t be stolen or counterfeited.

Existing ways of user verification are based on certain piece of knowledge or information that only user has access to (login, password and other identification details). Nevertheless, this information can be easily stolen or passed on to a third party. VoiceKey resolves this issue by using customer voice as the only way to access within any system. Moreover, voice can be used for efficient fraud prevention among call center clients.

VoiceKey makes the process of remote interaction between company and user easy, fast and convenient. There’s no need to memorize a lot of information such as passwords, code words etc. The software applies voice characteristics for customer verification regardless of the remote access method (phone, Internet resources, special mobile applications etc.)

As the amount of services provided through call centers is increasing, companies face the necessity to process more and more incoming and outgoing calls. A call center agent has to spend from 20 to 30 seconds on customer verification using traditional methods which leads to higher expenditures for processing each call. VoiceKey software enables to perform user verification automatically or in background mode. It decreases the workload on agents and reduces costs for a company.

Enables user verification during the conversation with contact center agent.

User identification in a background mode during the conversation with agent;
Can be applied for incoming and outgoing calls;
3 in 1 biometric solution.

VoiceKey.IVR VoiceKey.IVR
Enables customer verification by voice in IVR systems

Works with static as well as with dynamic passphrase;
Supports IVR systems of any size;
Integration with the majority of IVR systems.

VoiceKey.OnePass VoiceKey.ONEPASS
Biomodal verification to access to mobile applications

Verification by voice and face for higher level of protection;
Easy and quick way to access application without additional user actions;
Supports Android and iOS.

VoiceKey.FRAUD VoiceKey.FRAUD
Enables to detect fraudsters among call center callers

Compares voices of callers with voices from fraud database in online and offline modes;
Creates its own fraudsters list
Instantly informs security services about potential threats.