
The drug Argumistin ® was specifically developed for the highly effective prevention of endometritis and mastitis ащк cows. The structure of Argumistin ® includes a fundamentally new active substance for veterinary practice - silver nanoparticles chemically modified with miramistin molecules. The synergistic effect of the combined effect of silver ions and miramistin metals provides a Strong antibacterial activity and a healing effect of the drug. The key advantage of Argumistin® that it```'s free from antibiotics, which allows to avoid the rejection of meat and milk products and makes it safe

Competitive advantages
• has high therapeutic efficiency;
• allows to use a meat and dairy products from agricultural animals without restrictions due to low bioavailability of active components;
• promotes more efficient insemination of cows;
• has an attractive cost of treatment;
• stimulates active regeneration of damaged skin and mucous membranes;
• guarantees the ecological safety of livestock products;
• There is no addiction to the components of the drug;
• There is no irritating effect when applied on the mucous membranes and wound surfaces.


1. Аргумистин_КРС_EN_GHR_03.03.15-1.pdf