
The usage of conduction MHD-pumps for molten metals transportation and dosing helps to provide the following:

1. Significant reduction of molten metal loss due to the lack of metal direct contact with external environment and delivery the purist metal portions from beneath a melt surface.

2. Due the fact that there are no movable parts stirring of all the bath molten metal volume is not generated, which results in reduction of molten metal contamination by hazardous gases and drosses.

3. Ingots production process automatization via accurate control of molten metal dosing from a MHD-pump.

4. Reduction of hazardous emissions to environment.

Single-zone conduction MHD-pump.

1 - operating area;

2 - coil;

3 - magnetic core;

4 - circular metal conductor;

5, 8 - inlet and outlet channels;

6 - electromagnet of magnetic core;

7 - electromagnet coil.