
ASK VZN is a part of the industrial environmental control (IEC) system of an enterprise - an integral part of an integrated environmental and industrial safety system of an enterprise.

ASK VZN is a system tool that allows an oil complex enterprise (production, transportation, processing and storage of oil and oil products) to monitor the moment of occurrence and the coordinates of the contaminated water area of ​​a river (lake) in its location (influence), with the transfer of the resulting information to the relevant services of the enterprise (dispatcher, environmental protection department).

As a means of detecting the presence of petroleum products on the surface of the water is used - the sensor of detection of petroleum products and remote optical sensor.

Purpose of the sensor:
prevention of the threat of oil pollution of water bodies;
early detection of oil spills on the water surface in the process of monitoring water bodies where oil products may be contaminated;
formation and transmission of an alarm signal about the occurrence of pollution.

Features and advantages of operation of the sensor in the composition of ASK VZN:
monitoring is carried out in real time;
the ability to work offline;
round-the-clock and year-round operation;
waterproof and durable housing allows you to use the device in all weather conditions;
in storm conditions the sensor retains its functionality, will not sink and in case of loss it can be found;
easy handling during operation.