
Field of application:
gas industry;
chemical industry;
oil refining;
other industries with tank farms.
The feature of the standard level gauge configuration is the execution of the necessary calculations, computations and archiving by means of the flow measurement cabinet. The flow measurement cabinet shall be connected to the level gauge for data exchange via wired serial interfaces.
Instrument functions:
Measurement of liquid product level;
Measurement of media separation level;
Measurement of temperature of monitored medium;
Indication of layer-by-layer temperature of monitored medium;
Pressure measurement;
Calculating the weight of monitored medium;
Calculating the tank volume;
Calculating the degree of tank filling;
Exchange with automatic process control systems (APCS) via wired interfaces.
The instrument can be equipped with a density meter for automatic full determination of all parameters of monitored medium.
Based on the number of floats:
One float;
Two floats.
Based on level gauge powersupply:
Autonomous power source;
External power source;
External power supply source with autonomous power supply source.
Based on availability of pressure sensor:
With pressure sensor (up to two measurement channels);
Without pressure sensor.
Based on degree of explosion protection:
0 Ex ia IIC T4 GaX;
0 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga.