
The PCT-5 turbine flowmeter consists of electronic computer ВР-5 and turbine flow rate converter ТПР (ТПРМ) or helicoid turbine flow rate converter ТПРГ (hereinafter the converter) connected with a cable.
The PCT-5 flowmeter is designed to measure volume and volumetric flow rate of fluid mediums having viscosity up to 100 mm2/s (100 sSt) and to convert the measured volume value into a pulse signal.
The PCT-5 flowmeter can be used in different technological processes in food industry, in fuel, power plants, bench equipment and can be a part of a higher-level equipment.
The PCT-5 flowmeter is registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and has a Pattern Approval Certificate of Measuring Instruments, Certificate of Conformity for use in explosion-hazard areas.

The PCT-5 flowmeter is produced in several modifications differing in type and design of the converters included in the set.
The PCT-5 flowmeter can be supplied from a built-in battery and from an external DC supply source. Continuous operation period before battery change is 5 years min.
The volumetric flow rate current value is displayed in three units of measurement: l/s, l/min, m3/h. The computer has a pulse output. A signal at the pulse output is formed proportionally to the measured volume. In case the supply is switched off the computer saves all measured and setting parameters, date and time.
The PCT-5 computer has an additional resettable volume meter which can be used at customer’s own discretion.
The PCT-5 flowmeter has nonvolatile archives: a daily archive with 1 year depth and hourly archive with 2 months depth.
Transfer of information about current flow rate, incremental total volume, archived data is performed via digital interfaces RS232 and RS485.
Type of climatic version according to GOST 15150-69:
- of the computer is УХЛ4.2 at temperature from 5 to 40ºC;
- of the ТПР converter is УХЛ1 at temperature from minus 60 to 200 °С;
- of the ТПРМ converter is УХЛ1 at temperature from minus 50 to 50 °С;
- of the ТПРГ converter is УХЛ2 at temperature from minus 40 to 80 °С.