
Absorbers of electromagnetic waves "VEGA-P-300" TU1916-107-17660092-10
Absorbers of electromagnetic waves pyramidal " VEGA-P-300 "(in plastic cases) are intended for the
equipment of internal volumes of the screened and anechoic rooms for the purpose of minimization of
reflection of EMV from a surface of walls, a ceiling and a floor of the room.
Broadband absorbers "VEGA-PPU" TU1916-104-17660092-07
Broadband absorbers of electromagnetic waves, pyramidal with a filler based on polyurethane "VEGA-
PPU" (case of the slow-burning cardboard) is intended for the equipment of the internal volume of shielded and anechoic areas to minimize reflection EMV from the surface of the walls, ceiling and floor of the room.
Anechoic chambers equipped with " VEGA-P-300 "(operational in the frequency ranges from 1 to 100
GHz) and "VEGA-PPU" (in the frequency ranges from 0.3 to 100 GHz) are designed for antenna measurements and measurements of electromagnetic compatibility of electronic equipment