
The main procedures completed during the interpretation of seismic data, are:

1. Justification of stratigraphic control of reflecting horizons:

VSP data interpretation;
one-dimensional and two-dimensional seismic modeling;
quality assessment of the convergence of real and synthetic traces;
Analysis of borders contribute to the formation of the reflected wave;
phase characteristic estimation of the signal;
assessment of the dynamic expression of the formation in the wave field;
the use of stratigraphic principles to identify the reflectors;
calculation of seismic markers according to the VSP and ASL;
2. Detailed correlation of reflecting horizons:
automatic 2D-3D correlation;
clarifying the correlation in areas of unsure horizon tracking as a result of the correlation dependence analysis of amplitudes in the effective thickness and average porosity of the reservoir;
control over the correctness of the correlation in areas of unsure tracking;
accuracy ranking of considering the permafrost formation based on the study:
a dependency diagram of the depth of reflecting horizon occurrence (according to the well data) on the time of its registration;
emporary surface of gas-water in the massive reservoir of gas deposits;
dependency diagrams of time-depth for all the reflecting horizons;
3. Definition and tracking of tectonic disturbances in the joint analysis:
seismic section;
seismic attribute maps;
map of the first and second derivatives of surfaces;
map of curvature stretch and contour;
imap of forms;
4. Mapping isochrons:

map damping;
Map editing;
analysis of maps and their systems in a three-dimensional image;
5. A valid choice of velocity model and the implementation of structural models based on it:

calculation of vertical velocity spectra;
calculation of horizontal velocity spectra;
accuracy analysis of deep-velocity model design;
calculation of interval and average velocities for all target horizons;
6. Design and analysis of structural maps of stratigraphic surfaces in target layers and key horizons. Evaluation of reliability of structural models with:

estimation method of structural imaging errors by comparing with the data of drilling wells that are not included in the process of constructing the structural maps (validation method);
applying the key folds;
on the basis of mathematical models of the tectonic evolution history of the stratigraphic intervals in the section;
7. Seismic Inversion:

calculation of acoustic impedance section;
reconstruction of an effective model of the structure by method of simulation annealing;
AVO-elastic inversion that is based on the summation of various angles of incidence (prediction in the sections Vp, Vs, P);
8. Conversion of the seismic attribute sections:

the transformation of seismic sections into sections of instantaneous amplitude, frequency, phase, sections of derivatives and integrals in seismic traces;
9. Designing maps of the intensity, heterogeneity and etc.
10. Construction of seismic attribute maps and their editing that is based on the sedimentation reservoir model.
11. The seismic facies analysis:

calculation of sedimentary sections;
calculation of seismic facies sections;
definition of seismic facies as a result of the integrated interpretation of seismic, seismic facies and sedimentary sections;
seismic facies analysis of attributes sections;
delineation of paleodelt, paleochannels, paleobars, barrier islands, etc.;
Analysis and comparison of seismic and well log facies;
joint interpretation of seismic facies analysis and paleotectonic data to restore conditions to accumulate reservoir sand bodies, to determine their genesis, facies environments;
delineation of correlation relations between the amplitudes (other attributes) and effective thickness, average porosity;
prospective assessment of selected sedimentary bodies as a result of determining the reservoir saturation based on test and WLD data;
recommendations on the drilling of new exploration wells;
classification of allocated seismic facies;
12. Analysis of the tectonic and paleostructural development of the area:
calculating sections of forming horizons paleohistory;
analysis of vertical slices in paleohistory along selectable profiles;
construction of paleotectonic sections;
slice analysis of paleotectonic sections;
construction and analysis of paleostructural horizons plans;
paleotectonic results and seismic facies analysis control;
13. Creating a concept model of the deposit:

design of the sedimentation reservoir model based on paleotectonic and facies analysis;
14. A geostatistical analysis of seismic attributes correlations and calculation parameters of the effective thickness and coefficients of open porosity in the reservoir:

evaluation of correlations between seismic attributes and reservoir capacity in the course of a one-dimensional modeling;
search for links between the AVO-attributes and calculation parameters;
separate linkages for different conditions of sedimentation;
multi-attribute analysis using multiple regression method;
the use of neural network technology for the BER forecasting;
calculation of predictive maps of calculating parameters;
a comparison of forecast maps with forecast maps of sand bodies spread;
fidelity assessment of the volumetric data forecast;
15. Identifying and preparing new exploration targets of structural and nonstructural types for drilling;
16. Providing recommendations for drilling operation of new exploration (or producing) wells.
The company has experience in a major part of the West Siberian oil and gas province, in some regions of Eastern Siberia, the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, Samara region, Azerbaijan.