
The photometer is designed to measure in certain parts of the wavelength range of the spectral coefficients of directional transmission (CCNP), the optical density of transparent liquid solutions of substances, as well as to determine the concentration of substances in solutions after preliminary calibration of the photometer by the consumer.

The photometer is designed on the basis of modern elemental base, has high technical and operational characteristics, modern aesthetic design and is designed to perform chemical analyzes of solutions.

Photometer is applied:
- in agriculture - chemical analysis of water, feed, soil fertility and soil contamination, including the content of nitrates, phosphates, magnesium, manganese, potassium;

- in environmental services - for various water analyzes;

- in food, chemical industry, geology, biochemistry.


- data exchange of measurement results is carried out using a computer via USB 2.0 interface and an exchange program that allows you to visually observe the measurement results stored in the photometer archive on the monitor screen;

- has high stability;

- wide spectral range;

- works in 2 modes: concentration measurement by a factor and standard solutions;

- cuvettes for solutions: rectangular with a working stroke of 3,10,30,50 mm, funnel-shaped drain with an internal diameter of 10 mm.

Produced at JSC «Zagorsk optical and mechanical plant» (JSC «ZOMZ»)


1. КФК.pdf