
The "Personal" system can be used to solve the following problems:
- information support for personnel services of the enterprise;
- information support of municipal authorities at various levels;
- informational support of collective bodies of the federal and regional levels, public organizations and various foundations requiring individualized information on personnel associated with them;
- accounting and analysis of information about patients and medical personnel in various medical institutions;
- accounting and analysis of information on the activities of students and teaching staff in various educational institutions; information support for the activities of military commissariats; maintaining individualized dossiers for various purposes, including for the storage and comprehensive analysis of various criminal information;
- storage and analysis of information about any kind of individual objects (legal entities, cars, etc.).

The main functionality of the system:
- Description of objects of any complexity and with any degree of detail. Moreover, in the limit, each object can have a unique description peculiar only to it. The system implements a simple mechanism for expanding descriptive capabilities.
- The construction of complex queries to identify any shades from the description of objects. The request is formulated only in terms of the problem, with the possibility of using generalization and logical operations.
- The construction of the request does not require special knowledge, and it can be formulated by the user with any level of training.
- Simple extension or replacement of application logic of the program.
- Widespread use of templates for the implementation of typical actions.
- Building reporting forms using existing word processors using all available editing tools. Ability to view reports of any width in the “as is” mode and print them.
- The ability to exchange data with other information systems, regardless of the data format used in them.

Functions of the system for working with documents:
- the formation of standard documents and documents of arbitrary content both using automation tools and “manual” editing;
- registration of documents with automatic posting of information from a document according to all necessary descriptions;
- printing documents in a user-defined form and using Microsoft Office or OpenOffice tools, ensuring the declination of the names used;
- storage of documents by periods, storage of draft documents;
- search by document content and attributes, search for related documents.

Personnel functions of the system:
- Maintaining dossiers (personal cards) of the employee, which contains all the information about the employee, distributed by sections. The card structure is customizable.
- Keeping a history of appointments, movements, vacations, business trips and sick leave.
- Storage of photographic images of employees in the T-2 electronic card.
- Storage of information about dismissed employees and liquidated units for an unlimited time.
- Maintaining information about units, creating the structure of units of unlimited nesting.
- Maintaining staffing units with support for part-time and combination. The ability to group regular positions.
- Automatic calculation of the necessary parameters in the employee’s and unit’s cards (age, all types of length of service, current place of work, number of units, etc.).
- Formation of forecasts for employees: registration of a pension (including preferential), deregistration by age, reaching a certain age, etc.
- Career planning and support for candidates.
- Registration, storage and printing of personnel documents in the form adopted at the enterprise, as well as in accordance with the unified forms of printing of primary accounting documentation for personnel records in accordance with regulatory enactments on maintaining personnel documentation at the enterprise.
- By means of orders, the following personnel operations are carried out: hiring, moving, dismissing employees, changing their last name, first name or patronymic, sending them on a business trip, vacation and payroll, creating and liquidating divisions.
- A simplified form of performing personnel operations without the use of documents. The user is given the opportunity to determine for himself in what mode to work - with or without documents.
- Carrying out other personnel operations that are not reflected in the orders.
- Closing the period and creating an archive of documents. The ability to register a document in any period.
- Printing documents in accordance with the regulations (T1, T1a, T2, T3, T4, T5, T5a, T6, T60, T61, T6a, T7, T8, T8a, T9, T10, T10a, TD) and in any form. The ability to adjust the document before printing.
- Generation of reports, including complex ones, based on information about the employee from the T-2 Personal Card, taking into account all changes to the current date, as well as to any date specified by the user.
- Generation of reports on divisions based on information about divisions, taking into account all changes to the current date, as well as any date specified by the user.
- Reporting based on information contained in documents, both current and archived. All reports are generated in the form of tables, with the possibility of their subsequent editing and printing. Ability to export to Excel.
- Automatic printing of certificates from the place of work for working and laid-off employees.
- Creating archival copies of the system.
- Maintaining system directories with the ability to create new groups, create values belonging to several groups at the same time, transfer values between groups, two-level deletion of values, ensuring the logical integrity of the database.

“Unique” functions available only in this system:
- The ability to include in the order any personnel wording and in any quantity. Those. in one personnel order at the same time there may be different types of personnel operations. For example: “hiring a new employee”, “creating a new unit”, “granting leave”, “changing the name”, etc. When registering such a document, information will be automatically posted to all the necessary descriptions;
- Intelligent order printing with automatic generation of relevant text formulations.
- Ability to build arbitrary descriptions for any object. Those. any object (for example, “employee”) can contain only its own description.
- A unique display interface - an electronic card with the ability to display arbitrary descriptions and edit information locally. Arbitrary addition and removal of bookmarks in the card.
- Remote expansion of functionality - the ability to "order" new parameters, bookmarks, reports, documents, etc. The complexity and structure of the added elements is not limited.
- A unique query mechanism allows the user to extract any information available in the system. Moreover, the user does not care how and where this information is stored in the system; he formulates the entire request only in terms of his task.
- The ability to use generalization, both in the construction of queries and in the description, which allows you to operate with entity classes, i.e. no listing of all elements included in the class is required. For example: to calculate the experience, it is necessary to distinguish the class of employees working in hazardous positions. The system allows the user to operate with the concept of “harmful position”, while it provides the possibility of assigning any existing position to a harmful position using the “intersecting folders” mechanism.
- The ability to quickly adapt the system to solve not only personnel tasks