
Performs work and provides services for the protection of information containing information
constituting state and commercial secrets:
control over the security of information constituting a state secret, certification of means and
systems for compliance with information protection requirements;
special bench tests for incident electromagnetic radiation and interference from information
processing equipment (conducted in an anechoic shielded chamber);
conducting special inspections of technical equipment and electronic components of foreign
conducting special surveys of premises to identify unmasking signs of electronic devices of tacit
information receipt.
The laboratory of special inspections employs employees with specialized education in the field of
information security and the necessary qualifications.
The technical base is carefully collected:
anechoic shielded chamber;
X-ray inspection system "VID-EP";
complex of radio monitoring and search for radio transmitting devices "Kassandra-K21";
Revision-5000 secondary radiation modulation recorder;
PAK "Salamander-2", etc.
It is made at JSC “NIISSU”