
Maximum cutting volume of the shell 160 m3
Length 13600 mm
Midsection diameter 5000 mm
The maximum payload weight of the cable is 45 kg
Static ceiling above sea level
not less than 2000 m speed of delivery/selection not less than 2 m / s
Carrier gas (TU0271-005-45905715-2011) helium
The deployment time of the balloon is not more than 1.5 hours
Maintenance calculation: when deployed/when parked at working height
4/1 people
Duration of continuous Parking of the balloon at the working height
at least 15 days
The type of balloon holding device camping
Ambient temperature -40 to + 40 °C Humidity at (at t= 30°C) 98%
Permissible wind speed indicator:
– at gas filling 6
– when handing over (choosing) 10
– if Parking is at a working height of 12
- when parked near the ground 15