
TB2-117A - differs from the basic structural improvements, the main of which is to replace the soft coatings in the compressor by spraying on the steel parts of the stator;

TB2-117AG - differs from the previous modifications by the introduction of the second support of graphite seal into the design. When repairing engines TB2-117 (A), appropriate modifications are made.

TV2-117F - released in small batches for the Mi-8FT helicopter and certified in Japan according to the American airworthiness standards FAR-33. The main difference is the introduction of an emergency mode;

TV2-117TG - an experimental engine with fuel control equipment for working on liquefied propane-butane gas and gas condensates, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel (summer, winter and their mixtures in any proportions). The engine is designed for use on Mi-8TG helicopters in remote areas of Siberia, the Arctic and Antarctic, and other areas with extreme climatic conditions. A poly-fuel engine acquires a special role in wartime, when there is a shortage and poor quality of motor and aviation fuel, the difficulties of their operational supply.

Based on the TV2-117 engine in the 1960-1970s. developed a series of experienced transport engines.


ODK-Klimov JSC carries out the extension of the service life and the calendar service life due to the technical condition of the TV2-117 engines and BP-8 gearboxes of all modifications.


The most massive engine in the world

The total operating time of the engine is 100 000 000 hours

Mounted on a modified Mi-8 helicopter

Power class - 1500 hp

Main technical characteristics of TV2-117AG

Takeoff mode (H = 0, V = 0, Tn = + 15 ° C)

power, hp 1500

specific fuel consumption, g / hp hour 275

Cruising mode (H = 0, V = 0, Tn = + 15 ° С)

power, hp 1000

specific fuel consumption, g / hp hour 310

Overall dimensions, mm:

length 2843

width 550

height 748

Weight 334