
The emitter is manufactured in climatic category NF as per GOST 15150-69. The product is supplied with an AFC system.
The maximum permissible operating mode of the emitter is a mode with an average laser power of no more than 12 mW.
Elevated ambient temperature: Operating, 30° С
Maximum (emitter powered off), 50 °С

Reduced ambient temperature:
Operating, 15° С
Maximum (emitter powered off), -50° С
Change in ambient temperature from –50 to +50° С.

Overall dimensions of ILPN-246:
Emitter length, mm 39 max Emitter width, mm 31 max Emitter height, mm 19 max
ILPN-246 leads length, mm 5 min ILPN-246 weight, g, no more than 58,5
Gamma-percentile time to failure of Тγ emitters at γ = 90% in the modes and conditions of technical specifications for the emitter is not less than 100,000 hours within the TSL service life not less than 25 years.
Gamma-percentile storageability time of Tcγ emitters at γ = 90% when stored in the manufacturer's packaging in heated storage facilities with air conditioning as per GOST B9.003-80, as well as installed into protected equipment or stored in a kit of spares and tool in all storage places is not less than 25 years.
Produced at POLYUS Research Institute of M.F. Stelmakh JSC


1. Specification_RUS.docx