
Why our investigators are in high demand
The main goal of our investigation is to bring the perpetrators to justice. If necessary, we will continue to be involved in the case until a sentence is carried out, by consulting lawyers and providing testimony in court.
Deep knowledge of criminal schemes
Based on our 16 year hands-on experience, we have an extensive knowledge of criminal schemes ranging from recruiting insiders and developing malicious programs to withdrawing and cashing out money. This enables us to immobilize the attackers before businesses or individuals suffer major damage.

Individual approach by special project team
Every investigation is different and may require a different route through the process. Group-IB’s investigations are conducted by a diverse project team consisting of e-Discovery and Forensic analysts, economic security, financial audit, corporate law specialists, financial crime experts.

Collaboration with law enforcement agencies
As technology reaches into nearly all areas of our lives, law enforcement officers are challenged to maintain the skills and tools needed to conduct thorough investigations. Our experts work closely with international police in combating various types of crimes — from computer-based crimes to murders and missing people.

Proprietary technologies for criminals detection
Group-IB’s investigation department has adopted a proactive approach and developed a set of technologies for identifying groups or individuals who are assessed as being involved in ongoing criminal activity. We accelerate investigations using in-house tools for pattern analysis, network analysis, tactical profiling.

What types of crimes we handle
High-tech crime investigations are the oldest area of our activity. We conduct a wide variety of investigations, including:

Data theft
Competitive espionage, phishing, intellectual property breach, theft of trade secrets, credentials and other sensitive information.

Financial crimes
Cryptocurrency theft, online‑banking, mobile-banking, email fraud, ATMs, card processing, SWIFT, payment gateways.

Insider attacks
Abuse of authority, competitive espionage, critical infrastructure damaging, data leakage, account takeover.

Information wars
Extortion, reputational damage, defamation, harassment and identity theft.

Flood attacks
Overload of communication channels (emails, phone calls, social messengers).

DoS/DDoS attacks
Competitive and targeted attacks to overload web services and network.

Critical infrastructure attacks
Attacks on water supply, transport infrastructure, power grids control systems.

Malware attacks
Malware creation, proliferation and control, botnets, ransomware and spyware.

Along with combating advanced cyber crimes we assist law enforcement bodies in investigating criminal cases such as murders, suicides, robberies, kidnapping and others.