

Engine PS-90А-76

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

Modification PS-90A Mass production - Perm Engine Company OJSC


Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

Takeoff Power: 2,900 hp


Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The SaM146 - integrated power plant (comprising turbofan engine, nacelle with thrust reverser, equipment) for new generation regional-mainline aircraft with 60-120 passenger capacity.


Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

Over 25 thousand TV3-117 engines have been manufactured since the start of production. Their total time in operation exceeds 16 million hours.


Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

Thanks to the improved performance of the VK-2500 engine the helicopter ceiling increases by 30%, the rate of climb by 50% and the payload, depending on the helicopter model, by 1,000 – 2,000 kg. The engine also improves the speed and maneuverability of the helicopter. Accordingly, the aircraft gain fundamentally new qualities for operation in the mountains as well as in areas with a hot climate.


Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The TV7-117V family provides better safety by making emergency power of 2800-3750 hp available in extreme situations. The engine features a new FADEC system based on the BARK-12 or BARK-57 electroniс engine control unit.

PS-90A1 turbofan

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The PS-90A1 is one of the PS-90A turbofan modifications.

PS-90A2 turbofan

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

PS-90A2 is one of the PS-90A modifications with significant upgrade of some components and systems providing improvement of its operating performance. The engine is on a level with modern world standards.

D-30 turbofan

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The D-30 is the most efficient and perfect aircraft engine of its generation. Its reliability rate exceeds a required level by several times.